2013 Digital Pharma Seminar

Thanks to everyone who attended, presented and supported our 2013 Digital Pharma Seminar, held in Sydney yesterday. Our annual seminar, which we co-host with Princeton Digital, drew a crowd of more than 100 people with an interest in digital health communication. The seminar – now in its second year – welcomed delegates from various health…

VIVA! turns purple for epilepsy

Today marks Purple Day – a global epilepsy awareness initiative – and in support of patients living with, and affected by, epilepsy, Team VIVA! proudly donned purple for the cause. Throughout March, VIVA! has teamed with epilepsy patient support associations nation-wide to heighten awareness and understanding of epilepsy in the lead up to Purple Day…

Launch of natural pharmacy solution for muscle aches, pains and soft tissue injuries

A couple of inspired Team VIVA! consultants returned to work this morning after a weekend spent in the company of three-time Olympian, Kerri Pottharst, following the launch of a natural pharmacy solution for muscle aches, pains and soft tissue injuries, at the Australian PharmacyProfessional Conference and Trade Exhibition (APP) on the Gold Coast.   The…

Team VIVA! shedding light on epilepsy

In 2011, Team VIVA! was given the opportunity to work with the Australian epilepsy patient support associations to help raise awareness of this often stigmatised brain disorder. We heard from the associations about their tireless efforts to raise the profile of epilepsy in Australia, and we listened intently as they expressed their concerns for the…

Annual flu vaccination now available – March 15, 2013

We should be bracing for epidemic levels of flu infection this winter, according to influenza experts, who kicked-off their annual seasonal influenza vaccine campaign today. “The flu virus struck hard and early in the northern hemisphere winter and has spread quickly,” warned Dr Alan Hampson, Chairman of the Influenza Specialist Group (ISG). “While the timing…

Welcome aboard Mileage Communications Group

March 15, 2013 VIVA! Communications is delighted to announce that Asia’s largest, home-grown, full-service, strategic marketing and communications agency, the Mileage Communications Group, has joined our GLOBALHealthPR network.                            The Singaporean headquartered agency, which has a footprint in seven countries throughout Asia – Singapore, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam – has offices in 12…

Health & Wellness PR, more than numbers

This post has been adapted from one that originally featured on the blog of Aurora, VIVA! Communication’s Global Health PR partner in the UK. Reporting the facts and figures of new data is all very well, but what does it really mean? The perspective of the person actually affected by the news can convey the…


Team VIVA! is heading to ‘Healthivate’ – the bloggers conference

Tomorrow (Saturday, March 3), VIVA! consultants,  Abbey and Pernille, are heading to an inaugural health and wellbeing bloggers conference to glean insights on how blogging can help shape public opinion. The Sydney conference will focus on the evolution of blogging as a cornerstone to building public reputation and leveraging community engagement, incorporating the following topics:…

A successful cocktail for long-term behavioural changes

It’s Friday afternoon and your office may be warming up for the weekend with a couple of drinks. This month, however, fewer colleagues than usual will be heading to the pub with you, as many Australians participate in Febfast. Febfast is a national health and fundraising initiative that challenges people to give up the booze…

Does your brand have an online reputation?

If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? The philosophical question will lead you to consider aspects of observation and reality. Is reality only what you observe, or does a separate reality exist beyond your cognition? The point is, does it matter to you…