The role of strategic communications in helping to navigate unchartered COVID-19 waters

Our very own VIVA! Communications Principal and owner, Kirsten Bruce, Sydney was recently quoted in pharmaceutical industry publication, Pharma in Focus on how to engage with staff while working from home during the current COVID-19 pandemic. Today, Kirsten shares further insights on how companies should communicate both internally and externally in this challenging, unchartered landscape.…

Telehealth pic

The rise of telehealth

For a long time, access to healthcare has been an ongoing struggle for many rural and remote communities around Australia, with many facing long wait times, limited access to specialist services, and the need to travel long distances to major cities. Furthermore, office-workers and parents with young children often have difficulty finding time to attend…

Multiple Myeloma Awareness: Bone marrow aspirate cytology of multiple myeloma, a type of bone marrow cancer of malignant plasma cells, associated with bone pain, bone  fractures and anemia.

Aussies & Kiwis with incurable blood cancer receive newly subsidised treatment option

Today, VIVA! partnered with Celgene, a Bristol-Myers Squibb company, Multiple Myeloma Australia and Multiple Myeloma New Zealand to announce a newly reimbursed treatment option for Australians and New Zealanders living with incurable blood cancer, multiple myeloma. REVLIMID® (lenalidomide) – the first and only maintenance treatment in ANZ specifically indicated and reimbursed for those with newly…

Media launch with Fed Minister for Health greg Hunt Minister Tanya Davies Minister for Mental Health NSW Dr Michael Spence VC Professor Steve Simpson Prof Janice Russell Prof Stephen Touyz  Tony Carroll Kirsten Bruce Bonny Carroll  Jana Pittman Liam Manning Ash Myburg Christine Morgan

Communicating with personnel during the COVID-19 pandemic

Our own VIVA! Communications Principal and owner, Kirsten Bruce, Sydney was quoted in pharmaceutical industry publication, Pharma in Focus today on how to engage with staff working from home during the current COVID-19 pandemic. She cited the importance of corporate messaging being “clear, concise and reassuring to their employees, customers and stakeholders alike, explaining that…

1 in 10 Aussies with epilepsy sustaining serious physical injuries

VIVA! Communications is delighted to be teaming with UCB today (Thursday, March 26, 2020) to highlight the serious injuries caused by epileptic seizures, and call for heightened awareness, understanding and support for the 250,000 Australians living with epilepsy. One in 10 Australians living with epilepsy experience a seizure-related injury each year, many of which are…


Sleep-deprived Aussies at risk of Alzheimer’s

This World Sleep Day, VIVA! partnered with GenesisCare outlining new research that linked just one night’s lost sleep to increased risk of Alzheimer’s Disease. This research highlights the urgent need for Australian’s to improve their sleep hygiene. The research, recently published in Neurology Journal, reinforces the strong link between lack of sleep and increased levels…


COVID-19 (coronavirus) – Q&A with VIVA! Principal & owner, Kirsten Bruce

In the wake of Australia’s #toiletpapergate following widespread #coronavirus #panicbuying, VIVA! Communications’ Agency Principal and owner, Kirsten Bruce, is discussing the role of responsible health communications in stemming public panic in the face of a pandemic: Q: How well is this crisis is being handled from both a government and brand communications perspective? A: The…

Team photo for wear red day

National Wear Red Day – Heart Research Australia

It’s that time of year again when you get in trouble with your significant other for forgetting a Valentine’s Day gift or have to pay triple the price for a bunch of sad looking roses from the supermarket on the way home! But for us at VIVA! Communications, February 14 is an important day as…

Ovarian cancer infographic

Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month

In Australia, around 1,500 women are diagnosed with ovarian cancer each year. Less than half (45%) survive past 5 years. This February is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, a month dedicated raising awareness for earlier testing and diagnosis. For more information, check out our infographic or head over to:,

PBS Announcement

World Cancer Day – Celebrating 20 years

Everyone in the world has been touched by cancer in some way. Here in Australia, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 4 women will be diagnosed with cancer before 75 years of age. Today marks the 20th anniversary of World Cancer Day, recognising a global commitment to create a cancer-free world. The aim this…