There are many lessons we can learn from the many efficient and well-orchestrated systems of the human body. Cell differentiation occurs very early on in the development of the human embryo, allowing for cells to perform highly specialised functions. The immune system serves as a wonderful analogy of how cell specialisation, collaboration, team work, diversity…

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Bowel cancer is Australia’s third most common type of newly diagnosed cancer 15,253 Australians are diagnosed annually with bowel cancer 4,346 of those die from bowel cancer each year, making it the second biggest cancer killer (behind only lung cancer) These are just some of the shocking statistics shared by Bowel Cancer Australia this Bowel…

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Today is World Ovarian Cancer Day, an initiative of the World Ovarian Cancer Coalition, which aims to raise awareness of this disease. Each day, four women are diagnosed with ovarian cancer and of those, three will die from the disease, making it Australia’s deadliest women’s cancer. It is also usually diagnosed in its late stages, because there…

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