Elizabeth – 32 Mother, TV staffer & healthy lifestyle advocate, SYDNEY
In August, 2010, when 30 weeks pregnant, Elizabeth, then 26, was preparing to take a shower, when she brushed her thumb nail against an odd shaped lump in her breast. Not wishing to complicate her pregnancy, Elizabeth chose to delay mention of the lump to her doctor until after the birth of her son. When visiting…

How to mount a quick & safe recovery from injury – a physiotherapist’s advice – November 5, 2015
Words by Lyndsey Henderson – Senior Physiotherapist and Director of My Mobile Physio. Many of us rely on our ability to exercise in order to remain fit and healthy, manage stress and maintain good mental health. So when injury strikes, it can be incredibly frustrating, as the inability to maintain a regular exercise routine can…

VIVA! Communications clinches first place in Health Organisations category at 39th PRIA Golden Target Awards
Hobart played host to the 39th Public Relations Institute of Australia (PRIA) Golden Target Awards on Monday, October 26, 2015. The PR industry’s night-of-nights was staged during the 2015 National PRIA Conference (October 26-27), attended by a packed house of leading agency and in-house PR practitioners nation-wide. VIVA! Communications was nominated for a total of four…

Parasite-killing medications fighting malaria & blindness recognised in 2015 Nobel Prize winners in Physiology & Medicine
Professional role (e.g. Medical scientists), Satoshi Omura and William Campbell, and researcher, Youyou Tu have all clinched this year’s prestigious Nobel Prize for their work in the discovery of life-saving medicines. Discovering the bacteria, Steptomyces, Japanese microbiologist, Satoshi Omura was able to isolate samples of the bacteria, known to produce antibacterial agents, which he then…

How to Be MedicineWise while pregnant or breastfeeding – October 12, 2015
Australians are encouraged to be “medicinewise at all ages & life stages” during Be MedicineWise Week, October 12-18, 2015. The campaign kicked-off today with a focus on pregnancy and breastfeeding, after a recent NPS Medicine Wise survey of Australian women who were pregnant or had a child 11 years or younger revealed 33 per cent…

TGA recommendation to reschedule codeine analgesics to S4 in June 2016
The Therapeutic Goods Administration’s (TGA) Advisory Committee on Medicines Scheduling has made an interim recommendation to reschedule codeine-containing products from S3 (Pharmacist Only Medicine) to S4 (Prescription Only Medicine) from June 2016. The decision is predicated on risk dependence and the adverse effects of codeine-based products compared to newly released forms of ibuprofen and paracetamol…