Australian researchers have identified first genes linked to anorexia nervosa

Did you know approximately 85,000 Australian adults are currently living with anorexia nervosa? Anorexia nervosa is a serious and complex mental disease with psychiatric and physical symptoms. It is a life-impairing illness characterised by dangerously low body weight, an intense aversion to gaining weight and an inability or unwillingness to recognise the seriousness of the…

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Preparing a ‘COVID-Ready Kit’

Australia is currently experiencing our highest records of new daily COVID-19 cases, as the omicron variant spreads rapidly throughout the country. In Australia there is currently 495,141 active COVID cases, with over 292,237 cases in New South Wales alone. Although, the Omicron variant is less severe than earlier strains of the virus, such as Delta,…

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Maintaining Your Mental Health at Christmas

Did you know, one in five Australians are living with a mental health illness? The Christmas period is a time many people typically spend with families and friends, however for some, this can be an isolating time of year. Those who are unable to see their family or friends or those without a close network,…

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Shining a light on lung cancer

Lung cancer is Australia’s fifth most common cancer, with 13,250 people diagnosed every year. Throughout November – Lung Cancer Awareness Month – the Lung Foundation Australia worked to shine a light on lung cancer and support research into the development of treatments, diagnosis pathways and one day, a cure. Lung cancer remains our nation’s leading…

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