Today, VIVA! partnered with Celgene, a Bristol-Myers Squibb company, Multiple Myeloma Australia and Multiple Myeloma New Zealand to announce a newly reimbursed treatment option for Australians and New Zealanders living with incurable blood cancer, multiple myeloma. REVLIMID® (lenalidomide) – the first and only maintenance treatment in ANZ specifically indicated and reimbursed for those with newly…

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This World Sleep Day, VIVA! partnered with GenesisCare outlining new research that linked just one night’s lost sleep to increased risk of Alzheimer’s Disease. This research highlights the urgent need for Australian’s to improve their sleep hygiene. The research, recently published in Neurology Journal, reinforces the strong link between lack of sleep and increased levels…

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Young Singaporean adults aged 18-34 are most at risk of developing a mental health illness, a Singapore Mental Health Study has found. A report on the findings, released on Tuesday this week, showed individuals in that age group were most likely to have experienced bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder, alcohol abuse, and obsessive compulsive disorder.…

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