Planning to travel? Know your rabies risk, this World Rabies Day – September 28, 2015

Across the world, September 28 marks World Rabies Day – a global initiative that aims to raise awareness of the fatal impact of the viral disease and the importance of prevention through immunisation. According to Rabies Alliance rabies is responsible for an estimated 59,000 deaths a year world-wide. Rabies is endemic throughout South East Asia,…


Support Arthritis & Osteoporosis NSW’s world record attempt for the “Largest Gathering of Skeletons” this Halloween – September 22, 2015

Join Arthritis & Osteoporosis NSW for it’s quirky Our Joint event in Sydney to mark Halloween on Friday, October 30, 2015 from 4-9pm. To help raise awareness of bone and joint health, and support the one-in-five Australians living with arthritis, osteoporosis, or more than 120 musculoskeletal diseases, head to Dudley Page Reserve at Dover Heights, Sydney…

GPs critical to improving diagnosis & management of rare diseases in Australia – September 17, 2015

Often occurring in childhood, rare diseases tend to involve substantial disability, compromised quality of life and premature loss of life. Furthermore, rare diseases can weigh heavily on families, health services and the community at large. Yet many health providers, policy makers and research funders appear to lack access to information and education, or choose to…

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Pharmacy profession remains buoyant – September 17, 2015

The pharmacy profession is continuing to grow, with 29,014 registered pharmacists nation-wide, according to the most recent (June, 2015) Pharmacy Board of Australia figures. The latest stats reveal there are 26,179 general pharmacist registrations; 1,815 provisional registrations; 14 limited registrations and 1,006 on-practising registrations. Pharmacist numbers have increased by 97, from 28,853 registered practitioners in…

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Curbing future weight gain among kids with milk, not water: new University of Sydney research – September 17, 2015

University of Sydney researchers cite daily consumption of fruit juice and soft drinks among obese-prone two-to-six year olds places them at risk of becoming overweight. The 18 month long study just published in The British Journal of Nutrition confirms children predisposed to weight gain should avoid sugar-laden drinks, and substitute milk for water in order…

Recycling organs: a risky business or savvy strategy for tackling our national shortage of organ donors? September 11, 2015

With around 1,600 Australians on the organ donation waiting list at any given time, a shortage of organ donations across the nation has led doctors at Newcastle’s John Hunter Hospital to transplant willing dialysis patients with the recycled and diseased kidneys of cancer patients. Despite being an extremely risky procedure, according to the ABC (September…


A Stroke Risk Assessment could save your life – September 9, 2015

This Stroke Risk Awareness Month we are posing the question – Are you at risk of stroke? Are you aware that stroke is the third most common cause of death in Australian men, ranking higher than prostate cancer, and the second most common cause of death in women, ranking higher than breast cancer. There’s a…

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One-in-two Australians affected by chronic disease: AIHW report – August 14, 2015

New figures released by the Australian Institute of Health and Wellness (AIHW) this week (Wednesday, August 12, 2015) reveal 50 per cent of Aussies are living with at least one chronic disease, while 20 per cent of us are battling two or more chronic diseases. Among people aged 45 and older, this figure doubles to…

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Pharmacies set to be consolidated into large retail groups: Terry White founder – August 13, 2015

Speaking at the recent Terry White Chemists national conference in Melbourne (Aug 9 – 11), former Pharmacy Guild of Australia (QLD) President, and founder of the Terry White Chemists Group, Terry White explained that as the pharmacy profession changes, pharmacies will increasingly be consolidated into large retail groups. According to Pharmacy News, August 11, 2015,…

Discussion paper puts healthcare reforms on the agenda – August 6, 2015

In a discussion paper released on Tuesday, August 4, 2015 by the Federal Health Minister, The Hon Sussan Ley MP, chronic health, primary health providers and health system reform were put on the agenda. Developed by the Primary Health Care Advisory Group (PHCAG), which is headed by former AMA president, Steve Hambleton, the discussion paper…