Fasting to fight addiction in Australia’s youth

January has ticked over into February, bringing about the annual febfast theoretical diet pilgrimage. Established at as a fundraiser for young disadvantaged Australians, the goal is to cease sugar, alcohol or any of your other vices for one month. We’re well aware from past projects that addiction is a cruel beast. Those who find themselves…

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Fasting to fight addiction in Australia’s youth

January has ticked over into February, bringing about the annual febfast theoretical diet pilgrimage. Established at as a fundraiser for young disadvantaged Australians, the goal is to cease sugar, alcohol or any of your other vices for one month. We’re well aware from past projects that addiction is a cruel beast. Those who find themselves…

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Skin cancer hijacks immune system to spread toxic cells

Scientists have identified the role of skin cancer molecules and their role in hijacking healthy immune cells to help cancer spread and grow. Experts believe by targeting these molecules with inhibiting drugs, aggressive skin cancer could be prevented from returning after treatment. The findings of the Cancer Research UK-funded study were published in the journal Cell this…

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APNA re-appoints Dr Tony Hobbs to Board

Team VIVA! wishes to congratulate the Australian Primary Health Care Nurses Association (APNA) for reappointing Dr Tony Hobbs to their Board today (February 1, 2019). Dr Hobbs served on the APNA board in 2011 and 2012 respectively. He most recently served as Deputy Chief Medical Officer for the Commonwealth Department of Health. He was previously…

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February is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month

Ovarian cancer is the deadliest women’s cancer.  Each day, four Australian women are diagnosed with ovarian cancer and each day, it claims the lives of three women. This February is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month and Ovarian Cancer Australia (OCA) says it’s time to ovary-act. There is an urgent need to improve survival rates and increase ovarian…

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