VIVA! staffer set to join the Greatest Shave – February 26, 2016

Each year in March, 150,000 Australians are sponsored to shave or colour their hair to fund research and support Aussies living with blood cancer.12784502_10154044963414124_391501529_n

Tragically, each day, 34 Aussies are diagnosed with leukaemia, lymphoma or myeloma, many of whom turn to The Leukaemia Foundation for help.

Blood cancer remains the third biggest cause of cancer death in Australia, claiming a life every two hours.

The Leukaemia Foundation funds research and provides free services to support those living with leukaemia, as well as lymphoma, myeloma and other related blood disorders. Originally an Australian government funded initiative, the foundation now relies on the donations and generosity of foundation supporters. With the funds generated, scientists are able to research, and potentially find a cure for blood disorder cancers.

The World’s Greatest Shave runs from March 10 – 13, 2016. The initiative has raised $20.3 million since its establishment in 1997, including a staggering contribution of $5.2 million worth of funds from the Leukaemia Foundation of Queensland.

VIVA! Account Executive, Heather, has decided to colour her hair on March 10, 2016 for the World’s Greatest Shave, to lend her support to Aussies living with a blood disease.

“I will be colouring my hair in support of the amazing work the Leukaemia Foundation performs for Aussies living with leukaemia, lymphoma, myeloma and other related blood disorders,” said Heather.

“I hope we can eventually live in a world that finds a cure for all cancers!”

Heather’s goal is to raise $560.00 towards finding a cure for blood disease. She hopes to achieve this before March 10, 2016. Any donation, no matter how large or small, will be gratefully accepted. Should you wish to donate to this worthy cause, head to