Recognising Brain Awareness Week in Australia – Top Tips for a Healthy Mind

Today marks the start of the Global Brain Awareness Week. Running from the 13th to 19th of March, Brain Awareness Week aims to raise public cognizance of 80+ disorders that affect the brain. Some of the most common and well known neurological diseases include multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s Disease and stroke.


Here are the Brain Foundation’s top tips to keeping a health noggin:


  • Exercise and challenge your brain – don’t be lazy
  • Nurture your brain with a healthy diet and only drink alcohol in moderation
  • Enjoy physical activity
  • Make “safety first” a priority – wear a helmet, drive safely, take any head injury seriously
  • Learn to manage stress and depression
  • Relax and sleep well
  • Have regular checks for blood pressure, diabetes, heart rate, cholesterol, etc.
  • Do not smoke or use illegal drugs