With over 16,700 new cases of prostate cancer every year, it is Australia’s most commonly diagnosed men’s cancer. Tragically, the disease claims the lives of more than 3,300 men each year.

September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month and Aussies are being invited to participate in ‘The Long Run’ – running, walking or wheeling 72km throughout the month – to raise funds for lifesaving research, awareness and support for men and their families impacted by prostate cancer.

Following a diagnosis of prostate cancer, patients are encouraged to make an informed choice about treatment, and should consider and discuss all available options available with their urologist and/or radiation oncologist.

For many, prostate cancer is slow growing and may not require treatment or intervention and can lead a normal life without being significantly impacted by their cancer.

When treatment is required, it depends on the stage of the disease, the severity of symptoms and the tumour’s location.

Options for prostate cancer can include surgery, radiotherapy, hormonal treatments or watchful waiting (also known as active surveillance). While many prostate cancer treatments have similar long-term survival outcomes, the various side effects of some treatments, such as impotence, incontinence and bowel symptoms, can significantly impact the emotional and psychological wellbeing of patients. It is important that men discuss these potential side effects with their doctors and consider this making a decision about treatment. 

For more information on prostate cancer awareness, prostate cancer diagnosis, treatment and research, or to sign up for the Long Run 2020, visit the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia.