Happy Halloween

As the bowls of lollies appear in anticipation of those who go door knocking, it’s hard to resist the temptation of a treat…or three. Of course it’s your inner sugar goblin that’s doing all the ghastly work, so why not trick them with a healthy treat that’s so good, it’s scary… Edible eyes: horribly easy…

Bone Density Infographic - smaller

How dense are you?

Strengthening the nation’s bones on World Osteoporosis Day We’re teaming with Osteoporosis Australia today to pose a candid question to the 6.6 million Australians living with low bone density – “How dense are you?” To answer this question, Osteoporosis Australia is releasing a simple ‘Dense test’ as part of a national awareness drive to alert people…


Globetrotting Aussies risking infectious diseases

Australians are putting themselves at risk of contracting potentially serious infectious diseases while travelling abroad. Researchers from the University of Sydney’s Family Medicine Research Centre have found more than three-in-five Australians are not seeking professional health advice before travelling overseas, with many visiting destinations carrying a risk of infectious diseases, including hepatitis A and B,…

Left to right: Mahsa (VIVA), Leonie (CSL), Kirsten and Abbey (VIVA!)

Victory for VIVA!

Team VIVA! wins PR campaign of the year at 2012 PRIME Awards VIVA! Communications, together with client, CSL Biotherapies, clinched PR Campaign of the Year at the highly prestigious 2012 PRIME Awards held at The Westin Hotel, Sydney on  Thursday, September 20. The PRIME judging panel rated our campaign, ‘Protecting Against Pneumococcal Pneumonia,’ the “stand-out”…

GLOBALHealthPR childhood obesity infographic beamed in Times Square, NYC.

Childhood obesity infographic featured in NYC’s Times Square

Thank you to our GLOBALHealthPR partner, Spectrum Science, for sharing this photo of the GLOBALHealthPR childhood obesity infographic beaming into Times Square in New York City!  Congratulations Team Spectrum for raising awareness on this global issue. We have enjoyed working with you on this year’s social media listening project on childhood obesity. Related posts: Tackling a Weighty…

Tackling a Weighty Issue: VIVA! and GLOBALHealth PR Alarmed by Childhood Obesity Findings

The evolution of Health 2.0 in our data-driven world calls for a shift in the way health organisations connect with their target audiences. On a global scale, there is enormous potential to make an impact through digital technologies. However, it is necessary to understand who is saying what, and where the conversations – or lack…

Take a walk in the park for Parkinson’s

Parkinson’s Queensland Unity Walk– Sunday, September 9, 2012 at New Farm Park, Brisbane Team VIVA! is partnering with Parkinson’s Queensland to heighten awareness of the country’s second most common degenerative neurological disorder affecting 17,000 Queenslanders. We’re inviting Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast and Toowoomba residents to head down to New Farm Park, Brisbane on Sunday,…


Building a digital roadmap

Want to define the direction of your digital communications strategy? Social Business Strategist and author of Servant of Chaos – a leading Australian marketing blog – Gavin Heaton, will shed light on where pharma companies should start when planning their digital roadmap at the 2012 Digital Pharma Seminar in Melbourne this Thursday, 16 August, 2012.…


Twittersphere embraces 2012 Digital Pharma Seminar

Thank you to everyone who supported the 2012 Digital Pharma Seminar, hosted by Princeton Digital and VIVA! Communications, held in Sydney yesterday. VIVA! coordinated the social media activities in the lead up to, and during the Seminar in Sydney, including producing real-time online updates and posting our exclusive speaker interviews. Delegates from diverse backgrounds in…


How pharma can leverage digital

Join Health Engagement Manager for IMS Consulting, Cathy Withers at the 2012 Digital Pharma Seminar tomorrow (Wednesday, August 8 ) to learn why and how pharma should be jumping on the digital bandwagon. “Pharmaceutical companies should be developing and adopting digital marketing strategies and processes to better engage and communicate with their audiences. “Our customers…