Top 5 things I learned while interning at VIVA! Communications

As I end my time at VIVA! I can honestly say that the most profound lessons I learned were the most basic. Ask questions; keep it short; learning is life-long; time is precious so use it wisely; and, everyone has something to teach you. 1. Ask Questions It’s so easy not to take the time…

Love Your Lungs

Team VIVA! has been working closely with Lung Foundation Australia in the lead up to this year’s Pneumonia Awareness Week, running from Monday, May 6, to Sunday May 12, 2013. Team VIVA! has been teaming with Lung Foundation Australia to urge the community to support their ‘Love Your Lungs’ campaign this Pneumonia Awareness Week,  to…

GLOBALHealthPR meets in Lisbon, Portugal to share global expertise

Managing Director Paul Jans is currently flying the VIVA! flag at the GHPR annual general meeting for all partnering companies. This year’s AGM is in Lisbon, Portugal and while the weather isn’t all that cheery in Europe, the delegates are making the most of a rare opportunity to come together and share expert knowledge on…

‘Love your Lungs’ Pneumonia Awareness Week

Lung Foundation of Australia and Team VIVA! are gearing up for this year’s Pneumonia Awareness Week kicking off on Monday, May 6. This year’s theme is ‘Love Your Lungs’ and the campaign is designed to educate the general public about the seriousness of pneumonia and to encourage those in high-risk groups to talk to their…

NDIS to provide long-term funding for those in need

Yesterday, it was announced that the Government will be increasing the Medicare Levy from 0.5% to 2% from July 2014 to partially cover the $15 million needed for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). The scheme was first recommended by the Productivity Commission in 2011 and is intended to provide funding support to Australians with…

Can artificial intelligence replace the cancer physician?

You know you are well and truly in the 21st century when computers are outperforming doctors on predicting how best to treat cancer patients. The Independent (online) reports that scientists recently constructed mathematical formulas that were better able to forecast how cancer sufferers would respond to treatment. Dr Cary Oberije of Maastricht University Medical Hospital…

GHPR founder awarded high accolades

VIVA! Communications is proud to be the only Australian representative company in the largest global network of independent healthcare communication agencies. Today we’re especially proud, because it’s been announced that John J. Seng, founder of GHPR and a true stalwart of the PR profession, will be honoured with the 2013 Frank J. Weaver Lifetime Achievement…

Is the vaccination message getting through?

New research just published in the MJA has shown low rates of influenza vaccination uptake among pregnant women and that healthcare professional advice is crucial in influencing women to have the vaccine. The University of Sydney study of 815 pregnant women in three NSW hospitals, revealed uptake of the vaccine was just 27 per cent,…

Upcoming events

Digital Pharma Seminar, Melbourne This week, Team VIVA! is once again co-hosting the 2013 Digital Pharma Seminar, in association with Princeton Digital, this time in Melbourne. The seminar welcomes delegates from health and pharmaceutical backgrounds, all with an interest in the current and emerging opportunities in digital and social media communication for the pharmaceutical industry.…

Launching VIVA! Digital

There’s no denying that digital communications have become a huge part of our daily lives. From mobile apps to Facebook, from infographics toonline tutorials, the ways in which we interact and learn have certainly changed in recent years. VIVA! Communications has been offering digital communication solutions to our clients for the past decade, and we…