Don’t turn a blind eye
Eyes definitely fall into the category of human body parts that are easily taken for granted. Yet vision is integral to our day-to-day existence, we rely on it and we ought to take better care of it. Only if someone close to us develops an eye disorder that severely impairs their vision, do we actually…
Measuring PR success
In today’s economic climate most companies are constantly under pressure to justify PR campaigns and programs. One of the reasons is that in some circumstances, it can be hard to document a direct correlation between a PR campaign and a tangible outcome. When a campaign is supported by both marketing and PR initiatives, it can…
Join the bowel movement!
Bowel Cancer Awareness Month (formerly Bowel Cancer Awareness Week) is well underway. Now in its thirteenth year, the initiative aims to raise public awareness of a disease that claims the lives of 77 Australians every week. According to Bowel Cancer Australia, the disease is the second most common type of newly diagnosed cancer in Australia affecting both…
Short-changing yourself on sleep?
Are you getting sufficient shut-eye, or short-changing yourself on sleep? As the mother of a newborn, it’s a topic with which I am very familiar. Experts suggest up to eight hours of sleep is required for optimal function. Insufficient sleep can compromise your health and potentially shorten your life. From birth to the grave,…
International Men’s Health Week June 10-16 – ‘Health Snapshots’
Australian men have a higher death rate and lower life expectancy than Australian women. It’s a sobering statistic and one that International Men’s Health Week aims to address as it returns this year with a new theme – Health Snapshots. It will be a week of awareness and focus on the issues and opportunities faced…
What ‘The Great Gatsby’ can teach us about PR
Team VIVA! recently attended the opening night of The Great Gatsby at a local Sydney cinema and inspired by an article we read, What ‘The Great Gatsby’ can teach us about PR, we have come up with our own analysis of what lessons the acclaimed 1920s novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald may hold for PR…
Q & A with the great Mr Microsoft
Recently, billionaire and philanthropist, Bill Gates, featured on ABC’s Q&A, which was broadcast live from the University of New South Wales. 900 people attended the live Q&A session to see, and hear from, the founder of Microsoft and one of the world’s most generous philanthropists through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The Foundation is…