A disturbing rise in baby boomer and child drownings
The Royal Life Saving Society this week reported a significant increase in drowning deaths last year, with 114 of the 291 deaths occurring in the over-55s. This figure recorded is the highest in a decade for babyboomers, who now account for more than a third of the total drowning deaths. According to Chief Executive of…

Corin Australia and Optimized Ortho enter exclusive partnership
An Australian-owned medical technology company and a global manufacturer and supplier of orthopaedic implants have just entered into an exclusive partnership for their total hip replacement products in Australia and New Zealand. The Australian-based Optimized Ortho and UK-founded Corin launched their innovative delivery platform for hip replacement products at the Australian Orthopaedic Association’s Annual Scientific…

‘Look, but don’t touch’ urges Queensland rabies expert
A leading travel-health pioneer will issue Queenslanders with a public health warning today (Saturday, September 28) about the risks associated with a disease that kills an estimated 55,000 people each year. Dr Deborah Mills, known as ‘Dr Deb’ by her patients, is a highly respected authority on the prevention and treatment of rabies and the…

Hearing forum tackling ongoing stigma of hearing aids
A leading audiologist will address the stigma associated with using hearing aids and the damaging effects of ‘binge listening’ during a free ‘Expert Hearing’ Tweet Chat next Wednesday, October 2 from 1-2pm AEST. One-in-six (3.5 million) Australians are hearing impaired or deaf, while only one-in-five adults living with hearing loss wear hearing aids. Hearing aids…

‘Look, but don’t touch’ urges Queensland rabies expert
Leading travel health pioneer will issue Queenslanders with a public health warning this Saturday, September 28 (World Rabies Day) about the risks associated with a disease that kills an estimated 55,000 people each year. This life-threatening virus, first discovered in Australian flying foxes (commonly known as ‘fruit bats’) in 1996, is responsible for three Australian…

VIVA! Communications supports Epilepsy Foundation program
In August 2013, VIVA! Communications offered pro-bono support to the Epilepsy Foundation to encourage Novocastrians living with a disability and epilepsy, their families and carers to attend their free ‘Epilepsy Know Me, Support Me’ event via local media and community outreach. Novocastrians will be among Australia’s first communities to benefit from the DisabilityCare Australia-funded program,…

VIVA! Communications clinches best PR Campaign at premier pharmaceutical industry event
Last week we were honoured at the peak pharmaceutical industry ‘PRIME Awards’ with a highly-coveted Public Relations accolade. Together with our client, bioCSL, we won the best ‘PR Campaign’ award for our highly innovative and integrated travel vaccines communications campaign entitled ‘Urging globetrotters, health professionals and travel consultants to prioritise travel health.’ We also featured…

Don’t be lax about bowel cancer facts
New campaign sends clear message to men about spreading the word on screening A new bowel cancer awareness campaign has emerged with an extra challenge that goes a step beyond the all-important message of screening. The Bowel Cancer Screening Challenge: Do You Have The Guts? campaign is running in community pharmacies and encourages people, in particular…

World Rabies Day 2013 is fast approaching!
It is the sum of every individual event, large and small, that makes World Rabies Day a global movement Saturday, September 28, 2013 marks the sixth annual World Rabies Day, co-sponsored by the Global Alliance for Rabies Control (GARC) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). World Rabies Day aims to raise awareness…