A Stroke Risk Assessment could save your life – September 9, 2015
This Stroke Risk Awareness Month we are posing the question – Are you at risk of stroke? Are you aware that stroke is the third most common cause of death in Australian men, ranking higher than prostate cancer, and the second most common cause of death in women, ranking higher than breast cancer. There’s a…

Discussion paper puts healthcare reforms on the agenda – August 6, 2015
In a discussion paper released on Tuesday, August 4, 2015 by the Federal Health Minister, The Hon Sussan Ley MP, chronic health, primary health providers and health system reform were put on the agenda. Developed by the Primary Health Care Advisory Group (PHCAG), which is headed by former AMA president, Steve Hambleton, the discussion paper…

Gaming – the future of health: August 2, 2015
Who are Australia’s biggest gamers? Perhaps 18-25 year old men, or teenage boys? According to Nick Bowditch, Founder of The Mentoring Club, and the only Australian to have worked for both Twitter and Facebook, our nation’s biggest gamers are mothers! Although somewhat surprising, an IGEA Digital Australia report released in 2014 revealed 81 per cent…

HIV patient reportedly in remission more than a decade post- treatment – July 31, 2015
In what has been dubbed the “world’s first report of long-term remission from HIV in a child,” an 18-year old French woman is now in remission from HIV, despite ceasing anti-viral medicines 12 years ago, when six years of age. Born with HIV transmitted by her mother in 1996, she was placed on four anti-viral…

New research reveals more than 95 per cent of the world’s population is ill: The Lancet – Thurs, July 9, 2015
New research published in the prestigious medical journal, The Lancet reveals that each year, more than 95 per cent of world’s population is ill. The Global Burden of Disease study, which examined 301 acute and chronic diseases and injuries across 188 countries from 1990 to 2013, found that as we are living longer and surviving…

Sloppy data entry putting childcare benefits for vaccinated kids at risk – Wednesday, July 8, 2015
Simple data entry errors by GP practice staff may be compromising the integrity of Australian Childhood Immunisation Register, according to a recent audit performed by the Department of Human Services Although generally well-managed, with Register data accuracy rates nudging 98 per cent, clerical errors could be putting families who choose to vaccinate their children, at…