Renewed call for a sugar tax aligned with Obesity Epidemic committee recommendations
The Select Committee into the Obesity Epidemic has this week published a report featuring 22 recommendations to address Australia’s weight crisis. Among them, a tax on sugary drinks, mandating the Health Star Ratings, and banning junk food ads on TV until 9pm. Despite the World Health Organization (WHO) recommending the taxing of sugary drinks, Australia…

Funding injection into the mental health of small business owners
More than $3.1million of federal funding has been invested into a program to aid the mental health of our nation’s small business owners, particularly those living in rural areas. Those grappling with long hours, ongoing stress and cashflow concerns Australia-wide will soon have access to an online portal called Ahead for Business, which is currently…

Federal Government declares $4 million commitment for development of Australia’s first research & translation hub for eating disorders
InsideOut Institute for Eating Disorders thanked the Federal Government yesterday (Sunday, December 9, 2018) for its $4 million commitment over the ensuing 3.5 years for development of the nation’s first research and translation hub for eating disorders. Yesterday’s announcement marks an historical turning point for the more than one million Australians living with eating disorders. …