My experience at VIVA! Communications – Sydney – August 8, 2016

From the moment I stumbled upon VIVA! Communications, while in pursuit of an organisation that combined both my Capturepassion for healthcare and my desire for a creative outlet, I was instantly inspired and connected to the company’s core goals and values. Saying that though, they do not feel like a company. They feel like a connected unit, moving with genuine enthusiasm towards producing influential and effective health and wellness communication. I was honoured to be a small part of their large influence.

Having worked exclusively in the health and service industries, it was important for me to see how what I have learned thus far in my Master’s program in Health Communications could be applied in practice. Needless to say, writing numerous blogs, social media and award submission content challenged me to not only write efficiently, but to do so in vastly different styles, from varying client perspectives and on diverse topics.

I saw working with and being edited by an award-winning, seasoned journalist with years of experience as an opportunity to soak up nuggets of knowledge and information and I was honoured to have moments of mentorship with Kirsten Bruce. Although I was warned by lecturers before I began my internship that writing for PR can make a person very humble, as it can be a critical and brutal sphere, I found it to be an immensely motivating experience. Interning at VIVA!  only made me a better and more proficient  writer, actually instilling more confidence in my abilities than before, due to all of the knowledge I feel I came away with. My eyes were opened to new writing skills and styles that I never had before and I will take those lessons with me to my future endeavours.

Other than the valuable work experience I received at VIVA! Communications, it is the immense amount of support, guidance and kindness I received from the whole company and especially from the general manager, Paul Jans, that I will remember the most. Nothing makes a more conducive work environment than an engaging and kind leader, all of which he embodies. His passion for his business and his compassion for his employees is profound and infectious. I am immensely grateful to him and Kirsten Bruce, the principle, for allowing me to learn from them and join their VIVA! family for my short but cherished internship.

Thank you VIVA! Communications,

Sydney Boucher