VIVA! clinches two awards at the 2013 PRIA Golden Target Awards.

This week marked another exciting week for Team VIVA! We clinched two ‘Commended’ awards in the highly coveted national Public Relations Institute of Australia (PRIA) Golden Target Awards held during the National Conference from November 17-19, 2013 at the Adelaide Convention Centre, South Australia.

We were ‘Commended’ for our highly strategic, integrated communication campaigns entitled ‘Urging globetrotters, health professionals and travel consultants to prioritise travel health’ and ‘Keeping Complex Parkinson’s Top-of-Mind’, in the Health Organisations category.

“We were delighted to team with our clients in coordinating these fantastic public health campaigns focusing on protecting against travel-related diseases and putting complex Parkinson’s disease and its management on the public agenda,” said VIVA! Communications Principal, Kirsten Bruce.

“The awards recognise the commitment and passion invested by members of Team VIVA! who worked so tirelessly to make these campaigns a success.”

Paul Award

VIVA! MD, Paul Jans accepting an award for our travel health communications campaign

The ‘Urging globetrotters, health professionals and travel consultants to prioritise travel health’ campaign involved an ambitious, three-pronged communications strategy targeting HCPs (travel doctors and GPs), travel consultants and travellers, orchestrated within the confines of the Medicines Australia (MA) Code of Conduct.

The campaign resulted in both tangible action and measurable outcomes. Notably, sales increases were reported across our client’s travel health portfolio, ranging from between 38 per cent-to-93 per cent on original forecasts, suggesting an increase in requests for pre-travel health advice spurred by our strategic communications campaign.

For our ‘Keeping Complex Parkinson’s Top-of-Mind’ communications campaign, we devised a 360° strategy working closely with Parkinson’s patients and their carers, Parkinson’s patient support associations, health professionals and policy makers to keep complex Parkinson’s and its management top-of-mind among target audiences.