Mid-Year Healthcare Trends 2014
Global issues you need to know
Our top takeaways
What healthcare trends are making headlines and influencing business this year? GLOBALHealthPR reached across the globe to its expert partners to deliver some of the stories that are affecting people in every corner of the globe. GLOBALHealthPR predicts the top drivers of healthcare stories globally will be:
1. Aging populations and their impact on health systems
2. Patient access to innovative therapies during times of economic uncertainty
3. Industry response to watershed political and regulatory changes.
In Australia, Home is the New Hospital
This year, increasing hospitalisation and treatment costs, together with developments in remote monitoring and wireless communications, will create a boom in home based monitoring, diagnosis and treatment. This trend is also driven by the rise in the number of people aged 65+ that are quite literally clogging up hospitals (there has been a significant increase in the number of Australians being treated for heart failure in Australia, not because of an increased disease rate but simply because people are living longer).
This also presents a training opportunity, as professionals seek to bridge the technology gap between young and old. When remote monitoring alone is not sufficient, patients at home can now own tools that, in the past, were only available to health professionals. One such example is the Philips Heart Start Automatic External Defibrillator (AED). That’s right, your very own personal defibrillator available from amazon.com for US $1,495. The price might give a few people a heart attack, but at least they can treat themselves.
To learn more about what mid-year healthcare trends worldwide, head to: