Hip fractures – Avoiding the black hole of missed management opportunities
Hip fractures in adults aged over 65 are associated with substantial mortality and burden of disease, with up to 18% of women and 6% of men affected during their lifetime.
Even in a setting with prompt access to surgery and rehabilitation, approximately 10% of patients will experience a second hip fracture.
A NZ hospital recently analysed data from 4 patient groups:
1. Publicly funded aged residential care residents, discharged from acute orthopaedics;
2. Those directly discharged home;
3. Patients discharged after specific orthogeriatric rehabilitation; and
4. Patients discharged after general geriatric rehabilitation.
Key findings from this analysis reveal the hospital’s shared care model has reduced surgery wait times, to 48 hours for most patients. Length of stay was shorter in the orthogeriatric rehabilitation group at 12.9 days, compared with the general rehabilitation group, at 20.4 days. Furthermore, 88% of the orthopaedic rehabilitation group patients received appropriate treatment for osteoporosis, compared with only 62% from the general rehabilitation group.
Subsequent to the findings of this analysis, NZ fracture liaison services (FLS) have proactively targeted the general rehabilitation group and patient outcomes have since improved.
To learn more, head here: https://apcobonehealth.org/hip-fractures-avoiding-the-black-hole-of-missed-management-opportunities/