As GLOBALHealthPR (GHPR) initiative #Dogust draws to conclusion, VIVA! Communications is celebrating the roaring success of our recent fundraising bake sale for the RSPCA.

Generating more than $170 through in-person donations alone, VIVA! raised the dough this year by 34 per cent in comparison to the same event last year. Celebrating ‘Cupcake Day’, an annual event designed to raise money for animals in need, the VIVA! team whipped up an array of sweet treats in preparation for the big day.

Graham the English Cocker Spaniel

With VIVA! Cupcake Day ambassador, Graham the English Cocker Spaniel, in tow, and with a boost of exposure from outdoor marketing in the form of posters and bunting, a steady stream of hungry workers visited the VIVA! office throughout the day to donate.

Cupcake Day’s significance was amplified this year by falling within #Dogust, GHPR’s month-long August initiative highlighting the benefits of dogs in our lives. Since we’re all about health, we’re happy to know that owning a dog (and other pets) can result in increased cardiovascular health, increased physical activity, a strengthened immune system, higher self-esteem, social connectedness, and a sense of companionship.

A cause that hits close to home

As an office of pet owners, VIVA! is passionate about animal welfare and how our own pets enrich our lives. We enlisted some of our staff members to give an insight into how their furry friends have done just that.


“Lincoln is our family dog, and he’s brought us so much joy over the past eight years. From keeping us physically active to making us laugh with his antics and quirks, we’re always thankful for him being there. And there’s nothing quite like having a happy dog greet you when you get home!”

– Kiera, Senior Account Executive


Pablo and Coco

“My beautiful cats Pablo and Coco give us so much love and affection, with absolutely no judgement (as long as we feed them!), and are a hugely important part of our family. Spending time with them after coming home from a busy day at work is the perfect way to relax.

“They mean so much to us that we actually flew them 17,000km from London to live with us in Sydney! They love life in the sunshine and catch all the bugs before they get in the house!”

– Holly, Senior Account Manager

Be sure to catch the end of our special ‘Dogust’ Barkchelorette series, hosted on VIVA’s social media channels!