2015 Melbourne & Sydney ‘Digital Pharma Seminar’ – July 28, 2015

dIGIpHARMAThe fourth annual Digital Pharma Seminar series, co-hosted by VIVA! Communications and Princeton Digital, was held across two full days in Sydney and Melbourne on July 15 and 21, 2015 respectively.

The two one-day-seminars provided an opportunity for Australian pharmaceutical marketers and communicators to expand their digital skills-set and explore the benefits of digital technologies in the health and wellness arena.

Chaired by General Manager of Princeton Digital, Gavin Walsh, and involving Australia’s leading digital health and pharma experts, the seminars provided 109 delegates with invaluable insights into coordinating digital media campaigns and how to utilise emerging technologies across social media, mobile apps, tablet devices and wearable technologies.

Topics ranged from strategy development utilising all media technologies, the latest Medicines Australia (MA) Code requirements for digital technologies in health and wellness and the importance of driving communication with healthcare customers through digital technologies.

Social media experts, Nick Bowditch and Paul Ramondo presented discussed the application of, and future of social media to the pharma industry.

Princeton Digital’s Lachlan Stuart showcased findings from the 2015 Mobile Medics Survey, which offered five year insights and trends into clinician’s use of apps and digital tools.

Medicines Australia’s Tim James, James Boyce and Deborah Monk each outlined why pharma should jump on-board the digital innovation journey within the realms of the MA Code.

The seminars drew to a close with insights and advice into emerging technologies within the health arena from five leading pharma industry expert panellists.

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VIVA! Communications blog https://vivacommunications.com.au/

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Princeton blog – http://www.princetondigital.com.au/news

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