Personalised ‘eyevatar’ ray tracing technology unlocking HD vision

More than seven million Aussie adults living with the common eye conditions, myopia (shortsightedness) and astigmatism (eye imperfection), are set to benefit from the availability of next-generation, ray-tracing laser eye technology which is now available.

VIVA! Communications partnered with PersonalEYES – the Vision Specialists on Saturday, December 2, 2023 to launch the novel ray-tracing technology and supporting findings from new Australian research revealing the technology’s potential to move beyond 20/20 vision, and in most cases, to achieve high definition or HD-vision.

Ray-tracing laser eye technology represents next-generation guided laser eye technology offering patient-customised laser eye treatment. The diagnostic ray-tracing tool provides the most accurate method for measuring and modelling the eye, allowing eye surgeons to accurately pinpoint abnormalities to the precision of 1/100,000 of a millimetre. By generating a personalised, multidimensional, 3D eye model, or ‘eyevatar’, the technology is enabling eye surgeons to move beyond 20/20 vision, and in most cases, to achieve high-definition, or HD-vision.

According to independent Australian research just published in the Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery, co-authored by PersonalEYES Ophthalmologist and Managing Director, Associate Professor Chandra Bala, Sydney, involving 200 adult patients living with myopia or astigmatism, revealed 90 per cent of those who underwent ray-tracing laser eye technology treatment achieved 20/15 vision; 50 per cent of patients achieved 10/12.5 vision; while 8 per cent of patients achieved 20/10 vision.

“This ray-tracing technology provides the most accurate method currently available for measuring the modelling the eye.

“Ten years ago, these calculations would have taken 24 hours. Now they take just four minutes,” said A/Prof Bala.

“Given each set of eyes is unique, treatment should not be a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach.”

A/Prof Chandra Bala, New research author, Ophthalmologist & Director, PersonalEYES, SYDNEY

Clinical Scientist Ophthalmologist, Westmead Hospital, and Glaucoma Specialist, PersonalEYES, Clinical A/Prof Andrew White, Canberra, maintains there is a broad community misconception that 20/20 vision is ‘perfect vision’. R­ather, 20/20 vision only represents average eyesight, whereby a person can see an object clearly from 20 feet (7 metres) away. Better than 20/20 vision, for instance, 20/15 vision, means a person can view an object from 20 feet away, with the same clarity as someone 15 feet (4.5 metres) away from the same object.

“In order to go beyond 20/20 vision, treatment must be customised to the eye. This Australian-first, next-generation, ray-tracing laser eye technology is making this possible,” A/Prof White said.

Accounting firm Managing Director, finance teacher, soccer player, and father-to-two, Chris, 42, Sydney, spent more than two decades wrestling with the upkeep, maintenance, and inconvenience of frequently losing and/or forgetting where he placed his prescription glasses and sunglasses, and with his vision turning foggy while wearing contact lenses.

“Initially, glasses corrected my eyesight, but their novelty soon wore off. When I got contact lenses about a year later because I couldn’t wear glasses while playing soccer, I found that after a while on the field, I’d get tired, and my vision would turn foggy.

“Eventually, I didn’t want to rely on glasses or contact lenses any longer. I wanted the freedom to enjoy my outdoorsy, active lifestyle, without having to think about wearing my glasses or changing my contact lenses,” said Chris.

Chris, 42, Accounting firm MD, soccer player & father-to-two who wrestled with blurry vision for almost a decade, SYDNEY

Human Resources (HR) specialist, and yoga and pilates enthusiast, Jodie, 31, Sydney, lived with myopia for almost a decade.

having a more permanent corrective eyecare treatment was life-changing, she no longer must rely on glasses and contacts to see.

“I started to wear my glasses during my pilates class because I couldn’t see my instructor. But they constantly slid off my face.

“Over time, my eyesight became progressively worse, and I found myself having to frequently buy new glasses, prescription sunglasses, and different strengths of contact lenses,” Jodie said.

Chris and Jodie subsequently chose to undergo ray-tracing laser eye surgery that permanently changed the shape of their eyes, effectively correcting their eye conditions.

“I can now see clearly out of building windows, as well as people’s faces!” Jodie said.

Today, Chris and Jodie are urging Australian adults to visit an eyecare professional for an eye health assessment without delay, and to determine the most effective treatment option best tailored to them, and their lifestyle.

Maddie, 21, Aspiring flight attendant who struggled with poor vision for more than a decade, SYDNEY

To learn more about ray-tracing laser eye treatment, head to 👉🏻