VIC pharmacies now permitted to administer flu shots – July 7, 2016

Victoria has fallen into line with the rest of Australia, permitting community pharmacies to administer flu shots.

In May, 2016, the Victorian branches of the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) and the Pharmacy Guild of Australia, publicly welcomed the Victorian Government’s approval for National Immunisation Program (NIP)-funded flu vaccines to be administered in pharmacy. A month later (June 2016), Victorians were able to be vaccinated in pharmacy.

Now all Australians can conveniently drop by their local pharmacy for a flu shot.

Speaking to Retail Pharmacy Magazine about the long-anticipated and lobbied-for pharmacy initiative, Pharmacy Guild of Australia Branch President, Anthony Tassone said, “The PSA and the Guild look forward to working closely with the Victorian Department of Human Services and other vital health initiative through community pharmacy in the future.”

Following enactment of the legislation, the Victorian Government has since been proactively encouraging Victorians to visit their local pharmacy for flu vaccination.

Speaking to the Australian Journal of Pharmacy, Victorian Minister for Health, The Hon. Jill Hennessy MP, cited 87 per cent of Victorians live within a 2.5 km radius of a pharmacy, which makes vaccination a close and convenient option for much of the State’s population.

“We know that with work and family commitments, it can sometimes be hard to make time to get that flu shot. That’s why we’re giving Victorians another option to access these important vaccinations close to home.”

Blooms The Chemist welcomes the Victorian Government’s decision to administer flu shots in pharmacy.