VIVA! Communications’ New Year’s Resolutions – January 14, 2016

The New Year is well underway and team VIVA! has hit the ground running in a bid to make 2016 yet another highly successful year.

According to a recent survey of 1,000 Australians published in Body and Soul, 69 per cent of the respondents plan to make at least one New Year’s resolution, yet less than a quarter of respondents are predicted to adhere to their resolutions by 2017.

Team VIVA! however, is committed to fulfilling our New Year’s resolutions.

So we thought we’d share our resolutions with you, in writing, so we have no excuses for failing to meet them!

VIVA! Principal, Kirsten, has decided to rekindle her love of the piano by purchasing a gorgeous white piano and booking piano lessons. Hopefully she’ll be able to master Chopsticks, Ba Ba Black Sheep and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star by December this year! No pressure.

VIVA!’s Managing Director, Paul, is determined “to focus less on why, and more on how” this year. Should he achieve this resolution, team VIVA! hopes he will be willing to share some invaluable insights on such!

VIVA!’s Greek Goddess, Ruby has decided to better manage her emotions this year and to love life and all who surround her! So far, so good, and on the plus side, she’s beating her long-term coffee and Coca Cola addiction!

Mark from our Brisbane office has adopted the physically and mentally challenging task of climbing Africa’s Mount Kilimanjaro with a group of friends in October this year. He’s already begun training for this strenuous hike and we wish him all the best in his endeavours to climb more than 5,000 metres above sea level.

VIVA!s ‘go to’ man, John, is hoping to explore the world a little more this year. Given his Greek origin, he plans to travel to Greece and other European countries to indulge his love of food, wine, culture, people and history.

Our beautiful, kind, gentle Viv plans to say ‘hi’ to a stranger everyday. That equates to 366 “hellos” this year but is no mean feat, due to Viv’s vivacious personality.

Finally, our sunny Heather has decided that becoming the new Hunchback of Notre Dame in her 20s is not at all appealing! She plans to correct her posture and that of her friends and colleagues with a tendency to slouch, throughout the year.

We welcome you to join team VIVA! in making 2016 a year of change, by working hard towards achieving our collective New Year’s resolutions. Be sure to follow our progress by regularly visiting our blog.