VIVA! co-hosting Australia’s 4th Digital Pharma seminar in Melbourne today

Princeton Digital and VIVA! Communications are co-hosting Australia’s 4th Digital Pharma seminar in Melbourne today Screen Shot 2015-07-14 at 10.33.21 am(July 21, 2015).

There’s a great line-up of speakers, from Digital Strategist, Paul Ramondo addressing the topic, ‘Everyone’s your billboard’, to CEO of Medicines Australia, Tim James, outlining how pharma can jump on-board the digital innovation journey.

Founder of the Mentoring Club and social media guru, Nick Bowditch, will explain the future of social media and opportunities for the pharmaceutical industry, while patient advocate, and founder of the Dragon Claw, Michael Gill will detail the value of patient integrated care, challenging our notions of traditional care.

Findings from the 2015 Mobile Medics Survey, offering five year insights and trends into clinicians use of apps and digital tools, will be presented along with the use of digital technology to transform products into solutions by Quanticare CEO and co-founder, Phil Goebel.

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