DigiPharma 2015 – The Digital Journey for Pharma – Tues, July 14, 2015

Screen Shot 2015-07-14 at 10.33.21 amVIVA! Communications and Princeton Digital will co-host Australia’s fourth annual Digital Pharma seminar series, in Sydney and Melbourne, this week and next.

This year’s seminar series, entitled ‘The Digital Journey for Pharma’, will feature an array of expert spokespeople, including medical specialists, digital marketing gurus, pharmacy developers, pharmaceutical company representatives and marketers, who will collectively address how digital technologies are both influencing and shaping the current and future pharma landscape.

To hear the results of a five-year-long survey on how Australian clinicians are using mobile devices and medical apps; the latest developments in wearable technologies; how social media has, and is continuing to radically transform the way we communicate in the health arena; and the plethora of opportunities that mobile and connected health offer pharma marketers, be sure to reserve your seat at our Sydney seminar tomorrow (Wednesday, July 15) or Melbourne seminar (Tuesday, July 21).

If you’re a Pharmaceutical Marketer or a Digital Manager wishing to secure a last minute seat at DigiPharma 2015, contact Princeton Digital on 02 9925 1718 today.