Getting thrown into the deep end, hoping to swim!

Getting thrown into the deep end, hoping to swim! My first two weeks at VIVA! have shown me some of the specialist skills required to operate in health + wellness public relations. I was thrown into the deep end as my previous communications internships were in consumer-driven environments. By the end of my first day…

GLOBALHealthPR boosts Twitter presence

GLOBALHealthPR partners love to actively participate, and contribute to, social media chatter. So, it’s no surprise that we have come together to run a dedicated @GLOBALHealthPR Twitter page.   GHPR’s global presence   We are now tweeting daily on relevant pharmaceutical, healthcare and science developments. Feel free to take a moment to follow the @GLOBALHealthPR…

Mummy blogs best

Forget about journalists, it’s bloggers that PR companies need to cultivate nowadays. As mentioned in past VIVA! blogs, journalists – especially health journalists – as we know them are a dying breed with the shrinking newsroom. This has helped pave the way for the rise of the ‘blogger’. Bloggers are not a particularly new phenomenon. The…

Will health get a guernsey in the 2013 election?

Health will likely be buried amid the hot button 2013 federal election topics of asylum seekers, carbon tax and the economy, but that has not stopped our peak health and medical bodies stating their arguments for how health should be managed under any incoming government. Issues ranging from PBS drug listings to chronic disease care,…

VIVA! at work in the office

Telling your health story with Instagram

When I first heard the rumblings that yet another mobile social media platform had launched into the market, I was somewhat sceptical. But I have learnt a lot more about Instagram since. I now know that it boasts around 100 million users and after some research, have found that the free, instant photo-sharing app (now…

PR hits its straps in a changed science and health news environment

The general contraction of media and journalism has led to the loss of hundreds, if not thousands of journalists and it’s a continuing trend. This haemorrhaging of writers worldwide has been particularly brutal in science and health journalism. Conversely there is now more pressure for journalists to create more ‘news’ content than ever. So as…

Healthcare providers and patients come together online

Following on from last week’s blog about good tweeting, VIVA! Communications thought we’d continue the discussion about healthcare and social media. We stumbled on an article from online publication, in which they cited some research undertaken by editors at a US health administration education institution into healthcare and social media. What they found was…

VIVA! Guide to Good Tweeting

Twitter has become the social media ‘tool’ of choice for the business world and this is understandable considering its worldwide appeal. In Australia alone as at June 2013 there were 2,167,849 active Australian Twitter users according to The platform has become a huge resource and knowledge-sharing hub for all types of businesses and professionals…

Clinical trial spurs search for more Progeria children

To coincide with a new Progeria clinical trial, the campaign to locate more children across the globe living with the rare and fatal rapid-ageing condition has begun. The search is timely, as approximately 40 children from around the world travel to Boston, Massachusetts, in the United States over the next few months to take part…

Tips for setting up a successful blog

Earlier this year, VIVA staff attended a bloggers conference and overheard a great comment describing blogs as the modern-day back fence – a place to share information with your local community and be inspired by another’s way of life. We thought it was a great metaphor – even though we don’t interact much with our physical…